We are called by our Baptism to be “Missionaries” and to spread the Good News. Our parish offers a wide variety of ministries and apostolates that provide opportunities for you to minister as a “missionary” of the Good News.
ADORATION: Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament begins immediately following the 9:00 AM daily Mass Monday through Friday and continues until 7:30 PM in the St. Theresa Chapel.
ADULT CHOIR: The Adult Choir is made up of men and women in the parish who lift their voices in Sacred Choral Music as they enhance our liturgies on Sundays and at Christmas, Holy Week, Forty Hours and other special occasions.
ALTAR SERVERS: The altar servers are children in grades 6 through 12, who are members of the parish. Please encourage your children to participate in this wonderful spiritual experience and to respond positively when Father asks for new Altar Server Candidates.
BELL CHOIR: This is a beautiful way for our young adults and adults to make a joyful unto the Lord using hand bells.
BROWNIES/GIRL SCOUTS: The Brownies/Girl Scouts are open to all girls in first grade or older and involve a range of troop, group and individual experiences facilitated by qualified adults and community support. Troop level meetings vary according to the age group. Scouting will inspire them with a sense of self-worth and ethics and empower them to achieve a sense of responsibility in the community.
CANTORS: The cantors lead our congregation in song at weekend Masses and at many special liturgies. They meet twice a month to practice.
CATHOLIC YOUTH ORGANIZATION: C.Y.O. is a parish-based program involving youth in grades five through twelve. The ministry includes athletic, social, cultural, service and spiritual activities. This is a great program whose success is based largely on the help and dedication of our adult volunteers in each of these areas.
CHAPEL REPOSERS: They repose the Blessed Sacrament to the Tabernacle when Adoration is completed.
CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY: Say this chaplet and you will receive great mercy at the hour of death. The chaplet is recited every Monday – Friday at 3:00 PM in the Chapel.
CHILDREN’S CHIME CHOIR: These children add their own joyful sound unto the Lord using hand chimes.
COMMUNITY SERVICE CORP: This is a group of fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth graders who belong to the parish and do service-oriented projects such as raking leaves, collecting coats for our community, and preparing food for the needy. This is a great way for our young people to practice the works of mercy.
CUB/BOY SCOUTS: The Cub Scouts include first to fifth grade boys from St. Helena and Stony Creek Elementary Schools. The dens are boys from the same grade who meet twice a month. The pack, which includes all of the dens, meets monthly. Fifth grade boys are phased into various Boy Scout Troops in the local area.
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are appointed by the Archbishop to assist the priests and deacons in distributing Holy Communion during Mass and in bringing Holy Communion to the sick at home, Blue Bell, Place, and Mercy Suburban Hospital.
GREETERS: If you would like to help someone feel at home when they arrive for Mass, then this ministry would be wonderful for you. The only requirements are that you bring a friendly face and greeting and are willing to come to Sunday Mass fifteen minutes early and stay for ten minutes after Mass. We are always looking for a welcoming smile.
HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP: Youth ministry for high school age teens is to create a positive experience of the Catholic Church for teenagers. In this ministry teens come together in a fun and casual way to discuss their faith and issues relevant to teens today. The teens are also involved in doing service projects and socials.
LECTORS: Proclaiming the Word of the Lord during Mass and other liturgical celebrations.
LITURGY COMMITTEE: The Liturgy Committee consists of members from the Altar Servers, the Art and Environment Committee, the Cantors, the Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, the Music Ministry, Ushers, and Greeters. The committee meets regularly.
MOMMY & ME: Mommies with newborn to age three children who want to socialize with other mommies should join this dynamic group. They meet once a month, typically the first Friday of the month in the morning in the Social and Recreation Center or on the Pre-K playground.
STEPHEN MINISTRY: Are you going through some tough times right now? Do you know someone who is struggling with life’s challenges and having difficulty coping? Having someone to talk with, someone who can take that journey with you, may go a long way to help work through these difficulties.
Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one Christian ministry that empowers lay caregivers called Stephen Ministers to care for people who are hurting. These individuals received special training to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered ministry to people who are going through rough times. Stephen Ministers are members of St. Helena Parish who listen, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support to people facing a crisis or experiencing challenges in their lives. If you, or someone you know is experiencing grief, loneliness, divorce, loss of a job, disability, hospitalization, or a change in life such as relocation, then they would benefit from talking to a Stephen Minister.
Please call Deacon Ken Belanger (610) 279-8042, Michele Gerstemeier (610)-584-0862, or John Schieve at (610) 662-2209 to learn more.
TIME & TALENT COORDINATOR: This aspect of Stewardship is directed in encouraging people to contribute their time and ability to the many ministries sponsored by the Parish. The coordinator is responsible for outreach and encouraging participation in Parish ministries.
TITHING COORDINATORS: Holy Scripture tells us that we are to give our first fruits back to the Lord. These coordinators help all of us look at our lives in this light.
USHERS: This group is made up of parishioners who serve at each weekend and Holyday Mass by finding seating, helping the disabled and the elderly, taking up the collections, and generally being of assistance wherever needed.
WEDDING REHEARSAL COORDINATORS: Couples or individual adults who assist couples getting married by performing their wedding rehearsal.
YOUTH CHOIR: Any youth or young adult who would like to praise God on Sundays and special occasions by singing or playing a musical instrument would be welcome in the Youth Choir. Their music includes contemporary Christian music as well as traditional hymns.
YOUTH LECTORS: Open to youth in 6th grade and higher who wish to be trained to proclaim the Word of God. Children will be instructed on proclamation, posture, pronunciation, pace and practice. Youth Lectors are assigned to participate in the Liturgy on the third or fourth Sunday of the month from September through June.