This Lent, ask yourself one question…
Who do YOU say Jesus is?
Looking to encounter Jesus in a deeper way this Lent? Then come join our faith formation series! Meet new people, learn more about Jesus, and share your faith with a welcoming community.
Jesus invites everyone to a deeper and more profound conversion – a “metanoia” – that moves us from something to Someone, Jesus. Our need for conversion should be a source of hope and encouragement that keeps us seeking the transformative grace of God’s Holy Spirit.
What does this mean for you? Metanoia will turn us from the things that keep us complacent and bring us into a radical relationship with Christ. Conversion is not a one-time event. It is a continual process of discovering Who Jesus is. We invite you to join us this Lent to discover Who Jesus is.
Who? All adults (Catholic & non-Catholic…parishioner & non-parishioner). Bring a friend!
When? Five Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:15pm. March 12, 19, 26, and April 2 and 9.
Where? Empress Room (located below the church building) – Light refreshments will be provided
Contact: Christian Thompson — OR 610-275-7711
This series is a great way to spend the Lenten season preparing for Easter. We look forward to seeing you!
Our parish, as a community of believers, is very much alive with many ministries serving one another and others in God’s Name. Our service is the manifestation of our deep faith in God. As a parish we invite everyone to use and share his or her gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure.
As you read about the many parish ministries, please feel free to become part of as many of our ministries as you feel called. We are more a parish serving God and His people as you participate more fully in the life of the parish.
Be all you can be for God. May God through the intercession of Saint Helena bless us.
Worship Aides
For Mass & Everyday Spiritual Growth
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